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Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1051 Post by dcouzin » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:03 pm

troubadix wrote: 4th: the fan responds (under TPFC) to the temperature of that thermal sensor whichever finds the highest temperature. :)
Troubadix, you know this isn't true (at least as it will be understood by EchoFox. Under TPFC the fan responds to highest of the device tempertures minus their offsets. EchoFox needs to poke into the offsets in tpfancontrol.ini to answer his own question.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1052 Post by GCabot » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:06 pm

For some reason tpfancontrol will sometimes turn my fan off, thus causing my laptop to shut down due to heat. I've been trying to get tpfancontrol to stay on manual at speed 7, but it continues to revert back to smart mode 1 after a while, so I'm not sure exactly which mode tpfancontrol was in when this occurred. Needless to say, I didn't tell it to turn the fan off on purpose.

I'm on a W500 running Vista Business 64bit.

Below are my current settings. Any help on how to fix the fan issue and how to modify my settings to keep the fan running at 7 continuously would be most appreciated. The fan noise is negligible - my intention is for the program to keep my laptop as cool as possible.


// >>>> Celsius / Fahrenheit: temperatures in °C (active) / °F <<<<

// !!! Temp of lowest Level > 79 -> switch to Fahrenheit !!! see below

// ATTENTION: example temp values are for my T61, especially
// BluetoothEDR=1, SensorName5=no5, IgnoreSensors=no5 too
// temp levels 10 degrees centgrade higher than in T4x, R5x,
// change for your purposes.
// Achtung: die eingetragenen Temperaturwerte benutze ich beim T61,
// speziell hier: BluetoothEDR=1, SensorName5=no5, IgnoreSensors=no5
// Für T4x, R5x können die Temps 10 Grad niedriger eingetragen werden.
// Bitte alles für die eigenen Zwecke anpassen.

// advice for programmers: TPFanControl must acquire mutex named
// "Access_Thinkpad_EC" to get access to embedded controller
// Hinweis für Programmierer: TPFanControl muss den Mutex
// "Access_Thinkpad_EC" aquirieren können um Zugang zum embbeded
// controller zu bekommen.

// with Active=3 & ManFanSpeed=0 & ManModeExit=78 you can have a nice
// quiet time until temps reaches 78 deg. centigrade :-))
// mit Active=3 & ManFanSpeed=0 & ManModeExit=78 kann man nach dem
// "Kaltstart eine schöne ruhige Zeit haben, bis die Temps 78 °C
// erreichen und das Programm auf smart mode schaltet.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// "Active=0" program just reads config.
// "Active=1" allow program to modify fan.
// "Active=2" program will come up in smart mode.
// "Active=3" program will come up in manual mode.
// bei "Active=0" wird nur die Konfiguration ausgelesen.
// bei "Active=1" die Veränderung des Lüfterverhaltens ist aktiviert.
// bei "Active=2" startet das Programm im "Smart"-Modus.
// bei "Active=3" startet das Programm im "Manual"-Modus.


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// manual fan speed at program start
// Lüfterstufe beim Programmstart


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Program exits manual mode and switches to smart mode with last chosen
// profile, if this temp (degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit) is achieved.
// default= 80 degrees Centigrade / 176 degrees Fahrenheit.
// Das Program verlässt den manual mode und schaltet auf smart mode mit
// letztem gewähltem Profil, wenn diese Temperatur erreicht ist.
// default= 80 Grad Celsius / 176 Grad Fahrenheit.

ManModeExit=78 //ManModeExit=172 // with Fahrenheit

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Window stays on Top if StayOnTop=1, normal behavior =0
// Programmfenster bleibt im Vordergrund bei StayOnTop=1, ansonsten =0


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Set to 1 for slim widget
// Schmales Programmfenster bei SlimDialog=1, ansonsten =0


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// set to 1 for bluetooth with enhanced data rate (i.e. T61,
// X61 for T4x, R5x set BluetoothEDR=0 )
// BluetoothEDR=1 für bluetooth mit enhanced data rate (EDR, z.B. T61,
// X61 für T4x, R5x BluetoothEDR=0 setzen)


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows Priority of Process (0-5, normal=2), increase if fancontrol has
// big delays in response while other processes consume performance.
// Windows-Priorität des Processes (0-5, normal=2), ggf. erhöhen, falls
// Reaktion des Programms zu träge wegen Resourcenverbrauch durch andere
// Anwendungen


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Show no icon ballons: NoBallons=1, show icon ballons: NoBallons=0
// Icon Sprechblasen anzeigen mit NoBallons=0, keine bei NoBallons=1


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// check temperatures every x seconds (default 5)
// Überprüft die Temperaturen alle x Sekunden (Standard ist 5).


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// For Thinkpads A2x,T2x,X2x set NoExtSensor=1 to exclude reading
// of extended sensors to prevent program errors. Attention 570(E)
// is NOT compatible. Fan speed is not available on all models.
// Bei Thinkpads A2x,T2x,X2x NoExtSensor=1 setzen: die Sensoren 9-12
// werden nicht ausgelesen und dadurch Fehlermeldungen vermieden.
// Funktioniert NICHT bei 570(E), Fanspeed nicht immer verfügbar.


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Minimize to systray immediately when starting
// Minimiert das Programm schon beim Start in die Taskleiste.


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// check icon of tpfcicon.exe (optional) every x seconds (default 1)
// Überprüft das Icon von tpfcicon.exe alle x Sekunden (Standard =1).


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Show new icon with max. temperature / sensor name
// Zeige neues Icon mit Max. Temperatur / Sensorbezeichnung


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Save the icon by a start delay of the program/service of
// "SecStartDelay" (sec.) within "SecWinUptime" (sec.) after (re)boot
// Delete slashes '//' at next 3 parameters.
// Das Problem der nicht erscheinenden Icons wird durch eine
// Startverzögerung um SecStartDelay (Sekunden) innerhalb einer Zeit von
// SecWinUptime (Sekunden) verhindert. Kommentarstriche "//" entfernen.
//SecWinUptime=120 //"SecWinUptime" (sec.) after (re)boot
//SecStartDelay=60 //start delay of the program (sec.)
//NoWaitMessage=0 //set to 1 to avoid sleep message
//ReIcCycle=600 //rebuild TempIcon every xxx secs.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Temperature thresholds for turning the taskbar icon
// yellow orange red (Smart and Manual mode only and
// only together with MinimizeToTray=1)
// Temperaturgrenzwerte, die das Symbol in der Taskbar gelb,
// orange bzw. rot färben. (Nur im "Smart"- und "Manual"-Modus
// in Kombination mit "MinimizeToTray=1" verfügbar.)

IconLevels=65 75 80 // Fahrenheit: IconLevels=122 140 158

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Beep frequency and duration (in ms) for successful
// fan state changes. (Set either or both to zero to
// disable)
// Frequenz und Dauer des Piep-Signals (in ms), das eine erfolgreiche
// Änderung des Lüfterzustands ankündigt. (Um den Piepton abzuschalten,
// setzen Sie entweder einen oder beide Werte auf 0.)

FanBeep=0 0

// --------------------------------------------------------
// If this max number of consecutive EC read errors occur
// program will switch fan back to bios mode and exit
// Sobald die maximale Anzahl aufeinanderfolgender EC-Lesefehler
// erreicht ist, schaltet das Programm auf den BIOS-Modus um
// und wird beendet.

MaxReadErrors= 10

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Log2File=1 enables, Log2File=0 disables writing to TPFanControl.log
// Start program with admin rights.
// Log2File=1 aktiviert, Log2File=0 deaktiviert
// Schreiben nach TPFanControl.log, Programm benötigt Admin-Rechte.


// --------------------------------------------------------
// Log2csv=1 enables, Log2csv=0 disables
// writing to TPFanControl_csv.txt renamed to
// TPFanControl_last_csv.txt after restart of TPFanControl
// rename to *.csv for use with excel
// Start program with admin rights.
// Log2csv=1 aktiviert Schreiben nach TPFanControl_csv.txt
// Programm benötigt Admin-Rechte. Datei wird umbenannt in
// TPFanControl_last_csv.txt nach erneutem Start von TPFanControl
// In *.csv umbenennen für anschliessende Bearbeitung mit excel


// --------------------------------------------------------
// List (separated by comma) of sensors to ignore when
// determining the max. temperature. (Use lower case,
// e.g "IgnoreSensors=pci,aps")
// Liste der Sensoren, getrennt durch Kommata, die bei der
// Ermittlung der Maximaltemperatur ignoriert werden. (Verwenden
// Sie kleine Buchstaben, z.B. "IgnoreSensors=pci,aps".)


// ---------------------------------------------------------
// List of new 3 letter sensor names, delete leading
// slashes to aktivat. Don't use capital letters for readability
// of temp icon.
// Liste von neuen Sensorname (jeweils 3 Buchstaben), zum
// Aktivieren die Schrägstriche löschen. Kleine Buschstaben
// wg. der Lesbarkeit im TempIcon gebrauchen.


// ---------------------------------------------------------
// calculating Highest Temp with:
// temperature of sensor no. = real temp minus SensorOffsetno.
// Default SensorOffset1-12=0 , Capital O in SensorOffset,
// to activate delete slashes '//',
// Negative SensorOffsetno. values increase temperature values.
// Berechnung von Highest Temp mit:
// Temperatur des Sensor Nr. = reale Temp minus SensorOffsetnr.
// Default: SensorOffset1-12=0 , Grosses O in SensorOffsetnr.
// zum Aktivieren Schrägstriche '//' löschen,
// Negative SensorOffsetnr-Werte erhöhen den Temperaturwert.


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// set to 1 to show calculated temps for sensors
// =1 gesetzt zeigt die Temperaturen mit Offsetkorrektur an


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Show all/active sensors at start up. all=1 only active=0
// Zeige alle/aktive Sensoren an: alle=1, nur aktive =0


// --------------------------------------------------------
// temperature levels 'Level=' with associated fan levels
// (for the fan to come back, temperature must fall
// down to previous level). There may be more or
// less levels in this list. The first one should
// have a fan speed of zero and is the "turn off"
// temperature.
// Fan speed of 64 is extreme and may be an *unsupported*
// and *damaging* mode. A fan speed of 128 setting is
// not really a fan speed in itself but will instead switch
// fan control to BIOS mode (0x80). The idea of this
// is to let the program get out of the way and let the
// BIOS handle extremes.(and then switch back to smart if
// the temperature is okay again)
// Im Folgenden sind die Temperaturpegel samt den jeweils
// zugeordeten Lüfterstufen aufgelistet. (Sobald die Temperatur in
// den Bereich eines niedrigeren bzw. höheren Pegels wechselt, wird
// die Lüfterstufe automatisch angepasst und folglich verringert bzw.
// erhöht sich die Geschwindigkeit des Lüfters.) Diese Liste kann
// weniger oder auch mehr Stufen beinhalten. Sinngemäß sollte die
// erste Stufe die gewünschte Temperatur definieren, bei der sich
// der Lüfter ausschaltet (Lüftergeschwindigkeit 0)
// Die Lüftergeschwindigkeit 64 ist ein Extremwert und könnte somit
// eine von IBM nicht unterstützte und sogar schädigende Betriebsart
// darstellen. Die Lüftergeschwindigkeit 128 ist an sich keine eigene
// Geschwindigkeitsstufe, sondern gibt stattdessen die Kontrolle
// des Lüfters an das BIOS (BIOS mode, 0x80) zurück. Der Hintergrund
// dieser Einstellung ist die Möglichkeit, das Programm auszuschließen,
// um Extemfälle wieder vom BIOS steuern zu lassen. (Sobald sich die
// Temperatur wieder im Normbereich befindet, wird erneut der Smart
// Modus aktiviert.)
// Temp of lowest Level (commonly set to fan speed zero) of profile
// "Smart Mode 1" will switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit if set higher
// than 79 degrees. Temps of higher levels have no influence on F/C.
// profile "Smart Mode 1"
// change values and number of items for your needs
// Celsius: // Fahrenheit:

MenuLabelSM1=Smart Mode 1/ Label for Icon Menu, must be terminated by '/'

Level=40 0 // Level=140 0
Level=41 1
Level=42 2 // Level=150 1
Level=45 3 // Level=165 3
Level=48 7 // Level=175 7
Level= 64 // Level=195 64

// optional 2nd profile "Smart Mode 2", switched by icon menue
// change values and number of items for your needs
// to deactivate, insert leading '//' into following lines

MenuLabelSM2=Smart Mode 2/ Label for Icon Menu, must be terminated by '/'

Level2=22 0 // Level2=70 0
Level2=33 1 // Level2=90 1
Level2=38 2 // Level2=100 2
Level2=44 3 // Level2=110 3
Level2=55 7 // Level2=130 7
Level2=66 64 // Level2=150 64
Level2=77 128 // Level2=170 128

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// IconColorFan=1 digital Icon will turn green while fan is running.
// IconColorFan=1 Digitales Icon wird grün während der Lüfter läuft.


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Lev64Norm=1 : Fan level 64 acts as normal level with hysteresis,
// fan will run till next lower temp step is reached (no pulsing fan).
// If set to zero fan level 64 acts as emergency level without hysteresis,
// fan will run till level64 temp is reached again (pulsing fan can happen).
// Lev64Norm=1 : Fan level 64 arbeitet mit Hysterese, Lüfter läuft,
// bis nächst tieferer level erreicht wird. Lüfter pulsiert nicht.
// Falls Lev64Norm=0 gesetzt, arbeitet level 64 als Notfallkühlung oberhalb
// der Temperatur von level 64. Ein Pulsieren des Lüfters ist möglich.


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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1053 Post by troubadix » Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:23 am

// "Active=3" program will come up in manual mode.

// manual fan speed at program start

// Program exits manual mode and switches to smart mode with last chosen
// profile, if this temp (degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit) is achieved.
// default= 80 degrees Centigrade / 176 degrees Fahrenheit.
ManModeExit=78 //ManModeExit=172 // with Fahrenheit

-> Level= 64 // Level=195 64
should be for example: Level=80 64 // Level=195 64

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1054 Post by kc27 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:28 pm

Hello All

I have a Thinkpad t30, model 2366-KU1, with a 2.0ghz processor and 2 gig of RAM. When the BIOS controls the fan, it would run at high speed until a temperature of 36 degrees C was reached.

With TPFC v62 iIn smart mode 1, using the default settings below,the fan now shuts off at 60 degrees C (see below)

Level=60 0
Level=65 1
Level=75 3
Level=80 7
Level=90 64

Where the thinkpad used to cycle 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off to maintain the 36 degrees, setting, it now cycles approximately 1 minute on and 1 minute off (with the fan at level 1) to maintain the 60 degrees setting.

Here are some questions:

1. What is the safe operating temperature range for this processor?
2. Is the stock 36 degrees setting too aggressive?
3. Is there a better TPFC temperature level setting to use with this PC? The one minute on/one minute off with the 60 degrees set point vs 5 minutes on/5 minutes off set point of 36 degrees seems to be almost an equal trade-off. I'm not sure how much silence I am gaining - althought to be fair, TPFC it has only been on the PC for a day.

And as an aside, there really isn't much variance in noise levels of the fan between the 1 (4425 RPM) - 7 (4715 RPM) levels. It is insiginficant enough that you really cannot notice a lower fan volume at setting 1 vs setting 7.

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1055 Post by yanggis » Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:35 pm

Hi every, I install TPFanContral under Windows 7 64 bit. It works well. But One issue I have, my Event Logs are FILLED with this:
: The embedded controller (EC) returned data when none was requested. The BIOS might be trying to access the EC without synchronizing with the operating system. This data will be ignored. No further action is necessary; however, you should check with your computer manufacturer for an upgraded BIOS.
Source: ACPI......
Who can tell me how to fix it?
Thanks very much.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1056 Post by mpcook » Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:30 pm

I am running TPFancontrol, just using it to monitor my cpu temps. I noticed what I thought was a temperature spike and decided to keep track using the log function. I have some days of logs and can see on a rare occasion, an isolated 98 or 178 degree C reading. The fan speed does not waver, and the anomolous temp is just one entry, surrounded by normal temps (48 - 50). This is on a T400s, recently had MB replaced and just keepoing a watchful eye. Is it expected behavior to get an occasional random reading such as this, or does this mean my temp is truly spiking from 50 - 98 in 5 seconds, then back down again? Of course, the 178 degree reading doesn't seem possible, the CPU would have melted, right??

The other part to my question is that the slikes usually appear in the "switch" column, with no other spike in any other sensor. A few times, it did occur in the cpu column, but not switch. I anot sure what "switch" indicates.

Thakns for any advice.
Current: 2 x W520 ET, 2 x X220 i7, T420, X230 i5, T420s, MacbookPro, Dell Venue 11 Pro, Dell XPS 8930, X1 Yoga 3GEN
Past: IBM5150-8088 500 600E 600X T20 T21 5xT23 X30 3xX31 X32 T40 T42 3xT43 T43p SL510 T60p X60T X60s T61 2xT400 T410si T400s T500-3.06GHz X200 X201 X220i5 X220i7 2xT420s

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1057 Post by daffyduck » Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:48 pm

I am having a peculiar problem with TPFancontrol version 0.62 on my brand new T510 running Windows 7 Home Premium where the BIOS keeps coming back and switch the fan on only for TPFancontrol to set it back to 0 when it comes up on top of its cycle time (5 seconds default value). I posted this question as a new topic at -

If anybody has seen anything similar or has any suggestions that might help make it work please reply.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1058 Post by daffyduck » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:20 pm

Setting the CPU Power Management setting to ACTIVE in the Power Manager fixes the problem.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1059 Post by corvette » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:01 pm

Installed v0.21 yesterday on R52, 1846. This is simply great, thanks a lot for the effort. The R52 is now almost as quiet as the HDD, being left in Level 1 most of the time (threshold 52° for level 2). The GPU does get a bit hotter than other components, otherwise it's like that for office + surfing on fan 1, ca. 3270 RPM.

CPU 45°C (0x78)
APS 43°C (0x79)
PCM 31°C (0x7a)
GPU 48°C (0x7b)
BAT 29°C (0x7c)
BAT 24°C (0x7e)
BUS 43°C (0xc0)
PCI 47°C (0xc1)
PWR 41°C (0xc2)

Suggestion for future: option for lowering the fan RPM below 3000 RPM. The level 1 is still very audible at sub 3300 RPM, but in my case, I can't leave it passive for too long. With lower RPM, the temperatures would still be in sub 50's except GPU.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1060 Post by Colonel O'Neill » Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:54 pm

The actual RPM at various fan states is controller set, so it's not exactly software changeable.

Also the latest version is v0.62:
W530, W520, X61T, X200s, W550s, E590, T430

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1061 Post by corvette » Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:10 pm

Wow, I must have missed almost 40 versions. Been reading 'only' first 15 pages and have been referring to the link from second post: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfil ... _id=153962

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1062 Post by qcrz_ » Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:50 pm

My T43 fan is suffering from the "pulsating" problem which is well known.

When I was testing fan control solutions under Linux in the past I noticed that the ACPI fan control script (tp-fancontrol) has an ANTI-PULSE workaround which seemed to make the situation better. And it is very simple to implement, it just toggles the fan speed every few seconds from the one that is currently selected according to sensor temperatures to disengaged. This is from the script:

Code: Select all

setlevel disengaged # disengage briefly to fool embedded controller
sleep 0.5
My question to troubadix is if this workaround can be implemented under windows with his tpfancontrol?

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1063 Post by SC0U7 » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:04 am

Hello, i got Lucid Puppy 5.2 and i need tips how to get fancontrol working, i dont know how to compile a package from source and somehow console doesent recognize commands provided in the thinkwiki..

Maybe somebody has created a PET package?

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1064 Post by leland » Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:23 pm

Has anyone tested this with the x201t? I'm having random restarts due to heat problems.
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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1065 Post by alhaz » Mon May 02, 2011 6:32 pm


Does this tpfancontrol run on Win7 64 bit? When Im tryin' to run it Im getting a msg that winio.sys cant be loaded?

I use Thinkpad sl500, is that the problem?

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1066 Post by troubadix » Thu May 05, 2011 1:07 pm

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1067 Post by infinus » Mon May 09, 2011 1:25 pm

I've recently had a problem with tpfancontrol that's specific to the W520. I wasn't sure whether to post here or in the W series forum, I elected the W series forum, but I thought I'd link to that conversation here just in case people weren't monitoring that forum but still familiar with tpfancontrol. For consistency keep replies in that thread since it's W520 specific.


Take a peek if you can. Thanks!

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1068 Post by troubadix » Tue May 10, 2011 3:39 pm

EC of W520 is working differently, try this one (.exe and .ini, sorry just Celsius):

http://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~schmit ... l4W520.zip

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1069 Post by oxeimon » Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:06 am

I'm running windows 7 professional 64 on a thinkpad t420s.

I've downloaded the lastest version of TPFanControl (tpfc_v062), but after I run setup and try to run the program, nothing happens for about 3 minutes, after which I get an error message:

"Error during initialization of Port Driver.
(tvicport.sys missing in app folder or failed to load)"

I've tried to run both setup and then run the program as administrator (I've even taken ownership of the TPFanControl folder in program files), but I'm still getting this error.

Please help!


- will

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1070 Post by oxeimon » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:54 am

nevermind, it looks like I just needed to restart.

Though, now that it runs, what's the little box at the bottom where you enter in numbers? It seems like it would correspond to Smart modes, but the number that's in there doesn't correspond to the Smart Mode that's checked when I rightclick the tray icon.

- will

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1071 Post by michaelmartin » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:25 am

Hi all,

I have attempted to follow the instructions laid out as best I can. So far no issues that I am aware of, but I would like to know what settings are optimal for an R61e please? I can't find out any info online about this.... Many thanks for your help.


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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1072 Post by Insomniac1971 » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:38 am

Hi there:) I'm trying to drop my temp on a T61 7665-12G(Lenovo) and get it to stay on 47-56C in idle/normal use with only a few things running. Now this is a core duo 2 T7300 systeme with a max temp of 100C.

When i got it a few days ago, it was installed with win 7 Enterprise 32bit, and in iddle / Normal use the temp got to be 75C, this worried me since I do know a bit about computers. So I remembered that Vista had a similar problem before the install of SP1. So I installed Sp1, and that helped a great deal the idle/normal temp went down to 63-67C.

So I will suggest to those running Vista or Win7 to install sp1 first to see what the temp is after that. Then you can use TPfancontrol thereafter:)

Also a small thing I noticed, that you Troubadix might want to look at, after closing the lid and thereby sending the laptop into sleep mode(not hibernation), then when I open the lid again I get the error of the port driver is not loaded. Tpfancontrol icon in systray is gone, but its running in the background. For now I'm not using it as an service, just the program.
This issue is easily solved by ending Tpfancontrol from taskmanager and restarting it.

Update 26.07.2011 - never mind the above, just disable UAC the you will have no problem with Tpfancontrol.

This is not a critic, by all means I think you prgram is a stroke of genius:) I just wish IBM/Lenovo would have implemented, the fan feature in the latest bios update.

To Troubadix or whoever wil answer this post, can you help me adjust the TPfancontrol.ini so that it will give me the temp I desire or is it dangerous for my fan?

Update 26.07.2011 - never mind the above, I got it set up now:) But I do like to know what the 128 switch do and how to get 4500rpm - could come in handy:)

Hope to hear from you soon:)

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1073 Post by floro » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:05 pm

Is it posible to use TPFan on lenovo E520? Have somebody tryed on it??? I myself have e520, but I don't know, how I must set up the properities... Please could you help me?? I have got Thinkpad for first times...

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1074 Post by kstuart » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:19 pm

The instructions for tpfancontrol say the settings are for a T61.

Are these also appropriate for a T43 - and if not, is there a T43-appropriate .ini file somewhere?

( Since the original program was designed for a T43, it seems obvious that T43 users have already adjusted the settings to what would be optimal for a T43, so it seems pointless to do the same thing all over again. )

Also, the Power Manager settings have a "Fan Control" setting that can be changed between "Maximum Perforance" and "Balance All Settings". Does this setting have any effect on tpfancontrol and vice versa ?

Thanks for your help (and to everyone who has worked on the program).
- Ken Stuart

T40 (2373-12U) 1.3ghz, 1.5gb, 40gb5k80, 14"XGA, 2200bg, 9-cell, Infocase
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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1075 Post by troubadix » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:40 pm

kstuart wrote:Are these also appropriate for a T43 ...?
yesss :!:

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1076 Post by Bardamu » Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:51 pm

Is TPFanControl incompatible with the L520?

My L520 seems to occasionally enter into sleep mode for no reason when using TPFanControl.

The laptop is not running overly hot, the battery is not running low and the laptop runs fine in every other regard.

Is this perhaps something I can fix myself (by changing a setting fx) or is it something more complex entirely?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I made a thread asking for help on the official Lenovo forums a while ago, but it seems noone knows a way to silence the fans on the L520 without issues.

This is my original thread.

http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/R-and-L-Ser ... d-p/445045

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1077 Post by troubadix » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:59 am

it's an incompatibility problem of lenovo software (powermanager, hotkeymanager) and TPFanControl, as the access to EmbededController is not coordinated, as I wrote in .ini

// advice for programmers: TPFanControl must acquire mutex named
// "Access_Thinkpad_EC" to get access to embedded controller

.... lenovo is neglecting this piece of advice :roll:

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1078 Post by Bardamu » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:13 am

troubadix wrote:it's an incompatibility problem of lenovo software (powermanager, hotkeymanager) and TPFanControl, as the access to EmbededController is not coordinated, as I wrote in .ini

// advice for programmers: TPFanControl must acquire mutex named
// "Access_Thinkpad_EC" to get access to embedded controller

.... lenovo is neglecting this piece of advice :roll:
Thanks for replying so swiftly, troubadix!

Does this mean that simply uninstalling Lenovo powermanager and hotkeymanager will make TPFanControl work without the system randomly entering sleep mode?

Or are other Lenovo programs accessing the controller in an uncoordinated manner as well?

At this point I would gladly give up some Lenovo functionality for a quiet machine.

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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1079 Post by kstuart » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:22 pm

troubadix wrote:Q:"Are these also appropriate for a T43 ...?" A:yesss :!:
If you mean will the .ini file operate correctly as an .ini file when used with a T43, then that is correct.

If you mean that the temperature numbers in the .ini are appropriate for a T43, I am less sure.

The fan does not turn on, even to the lowest setting, until the bottom of the T43 is quite hot.

The .ini file has a comment inside it:
// ATTENTION: example temp values are for my T61, especially
// BluetoothEDR=1, SensorName5=no5, IgnoreSensors=no5 too
// temp levels 10 degrees centgrade higher than in T4x, R5x,
// change for your purposes.
When I lowered the Smart settings by 10, everything works fine.

SO, why is this not part of the step-by-step directions in readme.txt ??

PS And BTW, what is TPFanControl_ini.exe ??
- Ken Stuart

T40 (2373-12U) 1.3ghz, 1.5gb, 40gb5k80, 14"XGA, 2200bg, 9-cell, Infocase
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Re: Thinkpad Fan Noise Problem: Light at the End of the Tunnel

#1080 Post by Prodeje79 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:45 pm

How to I google search just this thread and find info regarding using TPFanControl on my T60p 2007-YS3 (T7600 with ATI FireGL V5250)?

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